NCLT held its Fall Center-wide meeting at Northwestern University on November 1-2, 2007. The purpose of these Center-wide meetings is to promote collaboration efforts across the Center and capitalize on the synergistic activities evolving within Center operations. The external summative evaluation committee (Andrew Porter, Robert Yager, Shelley Lee and LeRoy Lee) attended to offer their expertise and perspective on the Center’s progress. The Center-wide meeting championed avenues to communicate and improve cross-collaborations among members throughout the various NCLT work circles. Center leaders presented updates on their projects and programs. They also described their synergistic activities and their plans for Years 4-5. Graduate students and post docs demonstrated their research and development progress during the poster sessions. NCLT is building a robust NSEE program with the expertise and diversity of its graduate students, post docs and faculty. The NCLT is making an impact in STEM education by creating sustainable professional development programs supported by learning research and NSE activities targeted especially for 7th -12th grade classrooms. Additionally, NCLT is researching and developing nanoconcepts, courses and simulations that will augment the NSE curricula for grades 7-16. All published materials and resources can be found on the NCLT NanoEd Resource Portal (www.nanoed.org/) For more information: |
November 28, 2007