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Welcome to NCLT virtual workspace and NanoEd Resource Portal. This web environment uniquely serves multiple users with a two-tiered approach:

(1) information dissemination
(2) networking & collaborations

The NanoEd Resource Portal is a dynamic repository for information dissemination, research and collaborations among the community of nanoscale science and engineering education (NSEE) learners, teachers and researchers. The goal of NanoEd Resource Portal is to build up a comprehensive network and resource sharing to serve the greater NSEE community.

» Click here to access the NanoEd Resource Portal.

The NCLT International Virtual Institute (IVI) is a web-based collaborative environment for NCLT participants and partnering institutions. NCLT IVI facilitates the development of well-researched NSE educational materials for both pre-college and college classrooms. Upon completion, NCLT research, courses, nanounits and materials will be posted in the NanoEd Resource Portal for public dissemination. Although the NCLT home page is open to the public, certain workspaces are for invited members only.

» Click here to access NCLT IVI home page .

The aim of the NCLT virtual workspace is to provide quality information in a user-friendly environment. The NCLT web environment is continuously revised and improved due to multiple-user contributions and feedback.

NCLT vision is to build a globally competitive Nanoscale Science & Engineering (NSE) workforce and well-rounded NSE education leaders.

NCLT primary mission is to build national capacity in Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education (NSEE).

NCLT primary focus is on "learning and teaching through inquiry and design of nanoscale materials and applications."

The primary outcome will be developing the next generation of leaders in NSEE to advance STEM education in our country and keep a competitive edge among other developing nations.


  1. Develop fundamental research in nanoscale science and engineering education (NSEE).
  2. Develop a knowledge base and models for teaching NSE, equipping future leaders in NSEE.
  3. Develop proto-type curricula for teachers and students.
  4. Equip teachers in NSE learning and teaching.
  5. Establish NCLT as a national and global leader in NSEE.

How to Participate

The NanoEd Resource Portal is designed to build up comprehensive resources in NSE education for 7-12 science teachers, faculty and college students through:

  • Nano Courses & Units to advance NSE in the classroom;
  • NSEE Lectures and Seminars advancing education initiatives;
  • NSEE Resources and Calendar of Events;
  • NSEE News & Network;
  • NSEE People Database;
  • NSEE Glossary & Categories;
  • Nanoconcept Research for incorporation into the classroom.

The goal of NanoEd Resource Portal is to provide a comprehensive repository and network of resource sharing among the greater NSE community of learners and teachers. » Click here to find out more about How to Participate

Materials Research Institute (MRI) Programs:   GSAS   GNN   IUMRS   MWM   MWN